

hello! welcome to my website!

this is my personal space on the web where i just dump stuff for people to like and enjoy, and we can all have a good time along the way!

my socials are always linked at the very bottom of the page, so you might need to scroll a while sometimes to get to them!! or, just to be quick, you may go here and see them spon-instantaneously!

So who is this "cyberfreak", anyhow?

I'm a somewhat talented artist from the United States. What I like to draw depends on what I'm currently fixated on for the week, but usually it falls into one of some genres: surrealism, horror, sci-fi, robots, or some other amalgamation of those four that I manage to sneak by while the heavens have their backs turned.
I'm online a lot of my time and usually either draw or grind on some niche game I'm into. My premiere drawing program is a free mobile-and-PC app called ibisPaint, and I also have Flash 8 but haven't worked in it just yet.